Falling Toward Forever
An Azrael Ficlet by Dannell Lites
The window exploded in a shower of broken, musically tinkling glass. Wind roared past as he plummeted toward the pavement.
Falling ...
Falling ...
Falling toward forever.
'I should have wings,' he thought. 'Angels have wings, non? Where are my wings? Father! You *lied* to me.'
His chest was on fire.
'Armor piercing bullets,' he knew, rational now. 'What is it with the Azrael's, windows, and armor piercing bullets, I wonder? Ah, Dieu! It hurts ... '
Not as much as when he hit the ground.
The world exploded; myriad shards, sharp and cutting. When he came to himself there were hands upon his body. Gentle hands, comforting. Hands ... and a Voice.
"Rest easy now, son," said the deep baritone voice of Bruce Wayne.
The body in The Batman's arms convulsed. "Ah! Ah!"
The arms about him tightened in succor and Jean-Paul Valley smiled as he slid into blessed unconsciousness.
"Father ... " he whispered.
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This site is dedicated to the memory of Dannell Lites, who died unceremoniously on 16 September, 2002, in Kansas City, MO. Other than characters, place names, etc., which are ©DC Comics, Marvel Comics, or Wizard Magazine, all content is ©2002 Dannell Lites. Background set ©2002 by SleepyHead. Please do not use without her permission. Site url= http://dannfan.50megs.com/