Film at Eleven!
by Dannell Lites
"Popcorn?" inquired Bruce Wayne.
"Lightly salted with double butter, Sir!" responded Alfred Pennyworth with a cheerful smile at his employer.
"Triple Jolt Cherry Soder Cola?"
"Indubitably, Master Bruce!"
"Double-stuffed Choco Fluff Candy bars?"
"Two dozen, Sir!"
The millionaire playboy smiled, checked it off his list, and glanced around.
"Clark, Superman, Kent?"
Like a truant schoolboy, the Metropolis Marvel and leader of the Justice League of America, shot his hand into the air and cried, "Present and accounted for!"
"Timothy, Robin, Drake?"
"YO!" grinned the third Robin.
"Barbara, Oracle, Gordon?"
"Right here, Boss!"
"Jean-Paul, Azrael, Valley?"
"Oui!" the young French hero returned, smiling.
"Cassandra, Batgirl, Caine?"
In silence, the young martial arts phenomena waved her hand to indicate her presence, then scooted closer to Jean-Paul Valley, who blushed. Tim Drake snickered and received a stern look from his mentor for his trouble.
Narrowing his eyes, The Batman frowned. Someone was missing. This would not do. Not for something of this importance, at any rate. It was very unlike the young man in question, too.
"Dick, Nightwing, Grayson?"
"On his way, Sir!" supplied the ever-faithful butler, Alfred Pennyworth. "Traffic, I'm afraid."
"Ah." The tall leader of the BatClan sighed his obvious disappointment. "Sorry Dick," the Dark Knight nuttered. "You snooze ... you lose ..."
Just then, the anticipation was broken by the arrival of another, heralded by the loud splash of water and the fleeting scent of the salt sea.
"Arthur!" Batman chuckled. "Just in time!"
"Blasted Japanese whalers!" grumbled the Sea King as he seated himself. "Almost made me late! Let's see them catch their limit without those harpoon guns! I didn't miss anything did I?" Amid reassurances of the King of Atlantis' timely arrival, The Batman seated himself.
"Let's get this show on the road, then!" he instructed. "Roll 'em!"
Obediently, the BatComputer's giant screen exploded with light and the viewers found themselves swept away to another time and place.
"You speak treason, Sir!" snarled the villainous Guy of Gisbourne, his mustache atwitch with wrath.
"Fluently!" agreed a sneering Robin of Locksley.
Soon the air was filled with the ring of swordplay and the boasts of mighty adventurous men. Bruce Wayne settled back into his comfortable seat with a contented sigh and saluted the screen with his Triple Jolt Cherry Soder Cola.
"You tell them, Errol!" he crowed.
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This site is dedicated to the memory of Dannell Lites, who died unceremoniously on 16 September, 2002, in Kansas City, MO. Other than characters, place names, etc., which are ©DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Warner Bros., WGBS or any other television/movie owner, or Wizard Magazine, all content is ©2002 Dannell Lites. Background set ©2002 by SleepyHead. Please do not use without her permission. Site url=